The Mexico regulator known by its initials as PROFECO has pulled the sale of some mayonnaise and salad dressing products manufactured by Heinz, McCormick and Hellmann’s. Reporting by the Mexico City daily newspaper El Sol de Mexico says improper labeling resulted in the action by the agency. The reporting said the labels failed to comply with Mexico’s strict requirements on labeling type sizes among other issues. Mexico’s product labeling laws for consumables are considered strict by international standards. They include warning consumers about products that contain high levels of sugar and salt.
A press release issued by the Mexico regulator said the wording “special price” on one Hellmann’s mayonnaise product was insufficiently explained and potentially “deceiving.” A mayonnaise product manufactured by Heinz didn’t have the sufficient protein required by the regulator to qualify for the “reduced fat” claim on the label. Other brands investigated by PROFECO but not temporarily banned from the market included Kraft and La CosteƱa. PROFECO works with regulators in the US and Canada, including the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, to regulate the quality of consumable products exported to Latin America.
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